Tagged: De-Addiction


“My Punjab Addiction Free Punjab” Drug De-addiction program

My Punjab Addiction Free Punjab” Drug De-addiction program under the umbrella theme ” My India Addiction free India” was inaugurated at Rajyoga Bhawan, Sector 33-A, Chandigarh on 2nd July 2017 by Chief Guest -SH. Anurag Aggarwal, IAS -Home & Health Secretary Chandigarh, Dr. Rakesh Gupta- Punjab State Nodal Officer for...


Quarterly Service Report

Quarterly service report for the period of July 2016 to September 2016 from Puducherry De-addiction promotion & addiction prevention centre (Medical Wing). Quarterly Report for the period of July 2016 to September 2016


Deaddiction Program at Vidya Prasark Mandal(Arts Commerce & Science) Mahavidalya

Brahma Kumaris Organisation held Deaddiction Program at Vidya Prasark Mandal(Arts Commerce & Science) Mahavidalya at Kinvali in Shahapur Taluka on 10/1/2017 in 3 sessions. Total 200 students included Principle and other teachers also take part. Bk. Dr. Bharati, Bk. Usha Didi and Bk.Poonam Didi guide them.