The Power of Choosing Clean Air: A Guide to a Smoke-Free Life with Raja Yoga Meditation
Smoking is a habit that can have serious consequences on our health and well-being you will be surprised to know that 12 lack people die annually because of second hand smoke through out the world. In India 50 % of all the children are exposed to second hand smoke in their lives and as a result 65000 children die in infancy due to smoke filled air around them predominantly in rural households. However, choosing clean air is a positive choice that can lead to numerous benefits for our children and society at large. Smoking of Bidi, Cigarette, Hukkah, Chilam etc releases many harmful gases in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc. which lead to a number of pathologies in addition to polluting the envioronment. In this article, we will explore the power of choosing clean air and how Raja Yoga meditation can help us make the switch.
The Benefits of Choosing Clean Air
Choosing clean air over smoking can have numerous benefits for our physical, emotional, and mental health. Smoking is known to increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues, while clean air can improve lung function, reduce stress, and increase energy levels. By choosing clean air, we are taking an important step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life and saving our planet from the harmful effects of Tobacco smoke.

The Power of Positive Choice
Choosing clean air is a powerful choice that reflects our inner strength and ability to take control of our lives. It is the lack of will power that makes us slave to addictions despite knowledge of their harmful consequences. By eating healthy food our physical body becomes strong not our will power. The power to make right choice emanates from strong will power and will power is a function of mind. Mind is a faculty of the soul not of the Body. Therefore in order to have strong will power to make right choices there is a need to increase our soul power. Just as, if you do not charge your mobile it will not function, similarly there is a need to charge the soul battery, if you want to increase your power of discernment and power of judgement to make right decisions. For physical objects there can be many alternative sources of energy like electrical power, solar power, nuclear power etc. but for metaphysical entity like soul there is only and only one power to recharge it so that it can make wise choices and that power resides with the Supreme power only that is God Father Shiva, WHO is a point of light and power house for the whole world. By connecting to Him, his powers, wisdom and divine qualities dawns on us and we also become divine in his company. Then we get the power to make right choices, we align with our values and beliefs, which can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. Raja Yoga meditation can help us connect with our inner self and strengthen our ability to make positive choices for the well-being of the self and the society at large.

Raja Yoga Meditation for Choosing Clean Air
Raja Yoga meditation is a practice that can help us develop our inner faculties of mind, intellect and resolves. We are spiritual beings who have come to this world to have human experience. We can illuminate this world with our powers of peace, love, happiness, compassion, purity, forgiveness and make the life on this planet worth living by our wise choices. By practicing Raja Yoga meditation, we can connect with our inner self and the Supreme power and develop a greater awareness of our thoughts, words, actions and their consequences. This increased awareness can help us make positive choices (addiction free choices) for our well-being, including choosing clean air over smoking for the benefit of humanity at large.

Choosing clean air over smoking with the help of Raja Yoga meditation is a powerful choice that can improve our overall well-being. By practicing Raja Yoga meditation, we can develop our inner powers and strengthen our ability to make positive choices for our health and well-being. By optimizing our content for search engines, we can spread awareness about the benefits of clean air and inspire others to make positive choices for their health and well-being.
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